Active engagement, participation and consultation

At Play:Disrupt, we want to make consultation better.

More inclusive, further reaching, more useful for everyone.


Design unique interventions that really engage.

Widen participation by seeking out communities whom others may have overlooked.

Draw on creative play, technology, theatre, storytelling and visual art to connect, excite and offer new perspectives

Make consultation clearer, evaluation engaging and feedback, far more fun.

We play, disrupt

Why Play?

Why Play?

Learn how play can help you have deeper conversations with the people you want to engage with
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Take a look at some of our recent projects
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Our Offer

Our Offer

From one off workshops to embedded engagements, our projects are experience based and playfully disruptive
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Arup's logo
Bristol City Council logo
University of Bristol Brigstow Institute logo
Great Place Lakes and Dales logo
The National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Collaboration West logo
Knowle West Media Centre Logo
Bristol European Green Capital 2015 logo
Basingstoke and Deane Council logo
University of Chester logo
Pavillion Dance South West logo
Civic Theatre logo